Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Hello Mcfly

One thing I forgot to mention in Korea sparkling was that upon landing in Korea I inexplicably found myself 60 years in the past.

Apparently flying to Korea not only puts you 13 hours ahead of Eastern Standard Time, it also sends you back in time. Try getting over that jet lag.

I shouldn’t make sweeping generalizations but for the most part the1950’s are alive and kicking in Korea.

Looking around my office 7 out of 11 people look like they stepped out of Leave it to Beaver, separate twin beds and all. Colour palette, textiles and overall style these ladies are living anachronisms.

What intrigues me is not so much that they have so wholeheartedly embraced this style, (minus the beehives) but it makes me wonder, what era isn’t fair game?

We’ve relived the 70’s, the 60’s, and today’s tights, short shorts and oversized shirts in their horrible Technicolour rainbow harken back to the 80’s.

What’s next? Togas? Loin cloths?

“Could I interest you in this very stylish grape leaf? One size fits all. No? Perhaps in a leopard print?”

I just hope to God no one revitalizes the 90’s.

In cases such as this it’s best to just let sleeping dogs lie.

Vinyl evening dresses and haute couture baby soothers will never be a good idea.


Unknown said...

you've excepted the 80's but are hating on the 90's?
You're the one with orange plaid pants!!!

Anonymous said...

hmm . . . I think I would like my grape leaf in polka dot . . .

toac said...

shorts madame. shorts.
and do you remember the 90's? the LATE 90's?!!! Good Lord!