Monday, July 10, 2006

Why ABBA sucks in both official languages

My first week in Quèbec has drawn to a close and everyone is dying to know what i've been doing in the land where froggies play.

learning and a lot of walking.

The most important thing i've learned - aside from the fact that the weather in Chicoutimi is almost as random as irregular verbs...and that ABBA will always suck- is that the Quebecois are much friendlier than the least in Chicoutimi.

Maybe it's the smalltown mentality, but everyone has a bonjour and a kind word (that you may or may not understand) for you over here. Even as i've been writing this a squirrel came over to get a closer look 1 .

The second thing i've learned is when you sing a song in a language you're not fluent in it sounds like garbled foolishness 2 .

Thirdly, it's easy to make friends when you have something in common 3 .

Fourthly, ( i swear this is the last thing...unless i come up with something else) living in a small town isn't as bad as you'd least for the first week and if all your activities and social outings are planned for you.

Fifthly, (sorry) don't tell anyone you're allergic to nuts and food colouring; they won't let you eat anything good.


i mean it this time.

1.MAN! even the wildlife in Quèbec is nice, unlike our neighbourhood rabbit that will eat your plants, give you cut eye and even a swift kick for good measure.

2.the eldest son in my host family likes to "sing" english songs so i know this for a fact. not being able to communicate with anyone else.


g. mango said...

oh, tears of a clone, you are so funny.

i laugh in your general direction in both official languages!*

*haha, et aussi croissantcroissant

toac said...

funnily enough, i did have croissants for déjeuner. are the french that predicatable? zut!

Charles said...

I thouroughly concur with nellie! And I'm happy you're making friends with the wildlife. Some good lessons.

Pissenlit said...

Squirrels will steal your SOUL!!!

toac said...

yoko you give me too much credit. who says i have a soul? i sold it to get my awesome toac hair. shoot, you think something this wonderful comes naturally?