Thursday, July 20, 2006

Comment dit-on " Hung Over"?

is this the land of Kubla Khan, where magic dwells, and love is spawned?
to find this land of love and lust you need not drugs or pixie dust.
your heart it marks the pass of time
it swells with passion, joy and wine.

the beat that drives you marches on
there is no rest; there is no dawn.
yet still you smile and laugh and play
you smirk at what the neighbours say.

the nights are long,
the air is heady
intoxified your mind is weary.
one day, a month, it's all the same
you'll lose yourself; forget your name.

a phantom voice, from days of yore
beckons from behind closed doors.
lost between the maze of walls
you feel it's story; hear it's call.

you'll stand upon the mountain top
and wait for all the world to stop.
your body reels your mind is weaving
cause come the dawn you know you're leaving.

leaving this whole world behind
to join the rest trapped in real time.
but i'm not sad, i've no regrets
there is none other like Québec.

i'm a little behind on my blogging, i went to Quebec city a few weeks ago, here are my impressions.
btw, i was not drunk. the title of this entry will make more sense after i write my next blog.


Anonymous said...

I was going to say/type...that's allthe more impressive if written drunk!

But impressive enough sober.
Now... to wait for the explanation.

Pissenlit said...

*still waiting*

toac said...

you'll have to keep waiting yoko. i've grown weary of this blog keeping. who knows when next i'll post something.

Anonymous said...

Admirable writing. You’re beyond doubt an expert when it comes to this writing. It is just the first time I visited your site and frankly speaking it has made me visit here time and again.And yes i have tweeted your site .