Tuesday, July 11, 2006

has anyone noticed...?

that's a bit of a misleading title because everyone i've talked to here has noticed this interesting phenomenon.

why is it easier to understand the busted franglish of the anglo students yet très difficile to comprend le français of someone who is purely franco?

it's not that the franco's don't speak clearly,
they will enunciate and speak v..e..r..y ...sl..ow...ly- très lentment- because you are a stupid anglo.

No. that's not true.

they won't talk to you like you're stupid because you're an anglo...
they might stare at you as you walk through the town, but they wont talk to you like you're stupid.
it's far easier for them to just roll their eyes, plaster on a condescending smile and speak to you in english...besides, this way it takes less time.

(prepare yourselves for a random tangent)


is it just me or are anglos the most linguistically lazy people on earth?
okay that's not entirely true. we've done a great job of spreading English around the world

but seriously, why is it that everywhere you go people can speak mulitiple languages, even if it's rudimentary, except for in the Anglo West?

we're so monolingual...
it's terribly pathetic.

you'd think we'd get tired of people rolling their eyes at us,
but i guess we're too busy trying to keep our heads big heads and inflated egos from getting stuck in doorways to notice.


1. it's like herpes at band camp. encephalitis eat your heart out.


Charles said...

We're so monolingual BECAUSE we've spread our language around the world like herpes at band camp (sick and very inappropriate reference by the way - shame on you Reen!). We don't generally NEED to learn a language because everywhere we go it's pretty likely that we'll find someone who can speak English. So yes, it's lazy . . . and I'm ashamed to be a part of that laziness (I definitely should have been keeping my french up over the year, I 'dated' an acadian for almost three months for goodness sake and was being 'pursued' by another for about two months after I stopped hanging out with the first one! Yet still we almost always spoke English because I found it easier - they could speak way better English than I can speak French)- but in the Anglo's defence, it is harder to put in the effort to learn another language when it isn't a necessity.

toac said...

i love using the herpes-bandcamp metaphor. i refuse to applogize! try and spot how many times i've used it in other blogs. hahahaha. absolutely diabolical!

g. mango said...

(said in the count's voice):
two! two unnecessary uses of venereal disease in a post. whahahaha.


one, one misuse of the word metaphor to mean simile.whahahaha

toac said...

dude, it wasn't misused. i was being ironic. think alanis morrisette.

now THAT was a gross misues of the word ironic to mean simile. maybe confusing parts of speech is a qubecoise thing.

Pissenlit said...

Darn, GM corrected you before I could. :)