Wednesday, June 28, 2006

fresh prince, eat your heart out! - May 18/06

since my last entry many things have changed. it wasn't the drastic change that i had been looking for, but subtle changes in every aspect of my life. just enough to renew your will to live...or my will to live.

let's recap shall we;

school: the day after i posted my blog i discover that i have been thrust into a new faculty. it's time to say farewell to the lackadaisical days of arts and face the future as a health studies student head on. whatever that means.

work: surprise! my boss sold the store with no days notice. one day i was working for him, the next i wasn't. whatever shall i do? with boss man out of the picture we are currently being corporately run. on monday i had the pleasure of working with rosencrantz and guildenstern (it's a hamlet reference, either you get it or you don't). it's only by God's grace that i didn't kill one of the todds. yes todds with an "s", as in two todds. don't even get me started. but it's all good, i still have my job for as long as i want it and i've got senority so i can do as i please. yeah right, head office has a list as long as the stick up their a$$ of things that have to be "ammended". bastards.

church: i have decided to rejoin the worship team at church.
my sabbatical has been long enough. i have spent enough time singing in the pews trying to lift my voice loud enough to encourage others to open their mouths and lift their hearts. though i disagree with those who say that it is the job of the worship team to lead ppl "into the spirit" or "guide them to the throne of grace", if my church congregation refuses to do what they are called to do, for lack of confidence, lack of awe or because they have to much pride to fall on their knees before their God then i will show them how to be undignified. cause on that final day i want to hear "well done, my good and faithful servant." heck ya!

life: finalized my trip to quebec...i'm nervous. gonna be staying with cannibalistic frogs, who wouldn't be. I've also decided to prolong my summer adventure and head out west to visit la famille in the v. dot. this will result in an extended commitment to my job because i will be effectively broke upon my return from my cross country odyssey.

spent the day trying to turn water into wine...failed, but at least we can all still share a laugh. cryptic isn't it? i shall explain anon. perhaps when i'm depressed and marinated in alcohol. btw, i am not an alcoholic, and no i didn't actually try to turn water into wine. it's a metaphor. relax.

pretty much shaved my head...yup.

love: N/A...yeah....


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