Thursday, April 02, 2009

knock, knock

Dear God,

how're things? how's the Family?
i got Your message the other day. i appreciate the effort You put into it but wouldn't an email or singing telegram have been easier?
speaking of messages, there are some things i need to talk to You about regarding my future. i wanted to run a couple ideas by You so i stopped by Your house.
You must've just stepped out cause no one answered but then again i didn't actually knock i just stood on your steps singing stupid songs. if i were You i wouldn't have opened the door either.
I tried calling the other day but You must've been busy so i just left a message. I still haven't heard from You... You must get a lot of messages.
i tried talking to the universe about it but she's not responding either...i'll try again later.


ps. i like what You did with the weather today. Great colours You should do more with pastels, maybe a nice landsape painting, think group of seven. think, spring.
keep up the good work.


Charles said...

hmmm. . .

Milo said...

I find the universe is generally unresponsive.

I also find that often God responds to msgs, just not right away.
You'll likely get a response at the right time, you just might not
realize when that is until it strikes.

I like to read his blog... maybe find my answer written right there.
It's not updated anymore, but it doesn't really need to be.

Keep leaving those msgs.
Miss you

Anonymous said...

i love it!

Anonymous said...

love it too!