Monday, April 21, 2008

IN RE: Stefan Soleanu 1984- 2008

Wet Night

a true story in several acts.

as all stories go, this one begins with a boy and a girl.
as most stories go this one begins with a boy trying to impress a girl.
unfortunately as life usually goes things did not happen as they are planned.

Act 1
[enter our protagonists: boy, milo and toac]

perhaps it was a sign of things to come but from the beginning things did not happen as planned. the boy was supposed to bring a friend along to make things a little less triangulated but that fell through so with their very conspicuous third wheel milo, the boy and their chaperon set off on what turns out to be a very eventful night.

with a slightly awkward threesome options for the evening were limited so with no real plan for the evening they head to cafe mirage at Kennedy Commons.
[also note that cafe mirage is in the same plaza where milo and toac were last in a car - things did not go well. was it also a sign? perhaps.]

after what seems (to the waitress) to be hours and several failed attempts to order things not on the menu they finally order and slip into casual conversation.
the food is... fine.
conversation is...fine.
everything is...fine.
but overall things are going well. average dinner talk. nothing of note. then things start to spill-literally.

it starts with the salsa. it didn't even make it to the table but it's really no big deal no one really needs that much salsa anyways.

"i'll have a coffee." he says "i hate coffee".
what? then why did you order it?
"i hate it because i don't actually like it and still have to buy it."
do you see the logic in that? no? well that's how the conversation pretty much went for the night.
luckily for him he didn't actually have to drink it,
on the table, the floor...himself...
but he handles it with grace and wiping himself off he prompts toac to continue her story.

Very graceful.

but he's not the only one who has some food issues.

milo, in a selfless act, leaning across the table to rescue him from additional coffee drippage succeeds in her mission but sacrifices her girls to an unruly salad in the process.
but then again her girls pretty much get into (and out of) everything.
being ever the gentleman, the man of the hour offers to assist milo with the cleanup with some leftover nachos.
fortunately for her (and the nachos) no help was needed.

Act 2
perhaps trying to makeup lost ground at the end of the night he offers to foot the majority of the bill and hands the waitress his credit card- only to have it handed right back to him.
silly him! he forgot to activate the credit card (or so he says). that's okay - he has a backup (and i don't mean milo and toac).

now that the official plans for the evening are finished what's one to do? what's three to do when one has been embarrassed on a regular basis? what are three to do when there's a tsunami outside barring their escape from each other's company?
not that we really wanted to escape...really...

so what's one to do? tell stories and impart pearls of wisdom!

"gasoline is not flammable, it explodes."
oh really?
"there has to be a spark for it to ignite. you can't just drop a match and boom".
oh no?


Act 3
finally the rain lets up. hallelujah!
but toac and milo don't want to go home just yet, it's too early and too dry to call it a night- but all of that will change.
the rain's lightened up just enough so that their hair can make a safe exit so they make a beeline for the door.

"where's the car?"
over there?
isn't that it?
wait that's it
"here it is...don't touch the car!"
his car alarm is malfunctioning. craaap.

"no don't touch it!"
why it's not going to explode?
not unless there's a spark.
turns out toac has a direct connection with the G-man.
cue the lightening! cue the thunder!
cue the cursing!
he's gotten the alarm situation worked out but dammit he left the lights on. dammit the battery is dead. DAMMIT!
oh wait i forgot, cue the torrential downpour...DAMMIT!

what do we do? where do we go? we're getting drenched? oh no!
thankfully the level headed milo suggests waiting in the car. smart girl.
so what does one do when one has absolutely no means of escape? make small talk of course.

what are we going to do?
alert the media?
smoke signals?
this is not the time to panic
cell phones?! huzzah.
he has plans with his friends- hopefully these friends will come to our rescue. no luck.
milo's friends? still no luck.
toac's friends? huzzah!

but what to do in the mean time? small talk again...DAMMIT!
what's left to discuss? we already know of his dislike for the words perhaps and suppose- they're a little too pretentious for his taste.
so talk turns to practical things, how is our knight in shinning armor going to give us a boost? we need to move the car.
but the car can't be moved with milo in it and being the cripple that she is she can't help push. what to do with her?
she offers to stand under the awning.
"the what?"
the awning...that thing sticking out over there...
protected by her pashmina.
"her what?"
you know...scarf.
"you and your big words!"
turns out he doesn't like the words pashmina and awning either.
milo then says "perhaps I'll go stand under the awning with my pashmina?"
"i suppose" toac concurs.
(funny? at least milo thought so)

but neither toac nor the boy are dressed for the occasion. what to do?
clothes swap!
unfortunately this is the one time milo is too small. try fitting a size nine foot into a size six boot. not impossible, but certainly not fun. try fitting a large Transylvanian man into a small ladies jacket - a lot more fun.
getting into one another's shoes is not the hard part, manouvering to get out of knee high boots in a two door sports car is the challenge. unfortunately (again) an Eagle Talon was not made to serve as a dressing room so accomplishing the clothes swap requires a considerable amount of flexibility and a certain level of dexterity normally only seen in young children and russian gymnasts.

Act 4
hark! what is this we hear? our noble hero has announced his arrival!
[enter noble hero]
but in order to save us he needs to find us first...
quick! someone get out of the car!
i can't get out!
you get out!
"wait! don't get out yet!!!"
stupid alarm! it is a fortune of sorts that causes the alarm to stop as the battery cuts out for once and for all.

what a night this has turned out to be.
with a quick hook up and an even quicker boost, followed by a hearty thanks from one and all, a few slaps on the back and a promise of beer our noble trio and shinning knight are on their way.

Act 5
now heading home much later than anticipated our incredible trio races down the street in an attempt to end the evening as soon as possible and hopefully avoid any other disasters only to be greeted by water works - to milo and toac's delight and his chagrin. all he needs now is a flooded transmission. But their new found luck is holding out.
they're almost home! but no sooner said, they're almost not as his confidence in his inner gps fails him.
aren't you supposed to turn down this street? ...dammit.
at least someone knows where milo lives (i'll give you a hint, it's not milo).

finally safe and sound a little wetter, a little wiser, a little worse for wear-
well, not really worse for wear, and not really wiser but yes, definitely wet- our protagonists have made it back to dailing gate.

sufficiently soggy they call it a night.
but all in all i have to admit
the misfortunes are what made it just right.


Unknown said...

Very interesting story. Assuming you're the girl who worked with Stefan, I may have been there to experience this series of fortunate events as well.

toac said... we were the only three that night. but i'll assume from your response that it wasn't the first time and sadly not the last the universe would conspire against him.

and to clear up any confusion i was just the lowly court appointed chaperon and event chronicler for the evening. however "milo" did work with him, perhaps you know her.

Unknown said...

oh I see.. yeah, he asked me to come w/ you guys and I was on my way back from something, but he didn't want to keep you guys waiting, so I missed out.

on a side note, you have an amazing talent for telling stories!!.. not saying that this wasn't true, just saying, the way you wrote it, it held my interest right till the end, it seemed like you could pick up on which parts were just mundane and tedious details, and so you spiced em up in either a funny or interesting way. I really enjoyed reading this. :)

toac said...

*blushes* wow...i didn't think it possible but you've actually rendered me speechless.


Anonymous said...

I too must apologize for not coming to boost the car... might i had known that the three you had quite an intriguing night, i would have come to assist you. I was the one Stefan called to come by and give that boost, HOWEVER lol, i was in the middle of a few things at the time... This story, Toac, wooowwwwwwww!!!!!!! good job! Truly gave me Goosebumps simply because you described Stefan's words the way he would have said them. And you described the night in such a way that ONLY Stefan can actually acquire.
Very well written!

Anonymous said...

You write very well.

toac said...

for the record i did not pay these people to write such glowing reviews. however, a girl could get used to such praises i might have to higher someone to continue writing awesomeness on my lowly blog.

thanks again strangers.

Milo said...

Wow Reen - when you told me about the comments, i had gone straight to the blog entry- but i never read past the first one.

I had shown it to a few other who worked with Stefan and I, and yes - they loved it too.
Glad we decided to capture the night - and glad you captured it in the way that is oh-so specifically you.

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