Thursday, September 18, 2008

curtain call

After several failed attempts i've finally managed get some poor unsuspecting soul to take vlad off my hands. Farewell Vlad, we knew thee well.

Vlad has left the building.

Good luck with your music career.

a proposition

Excerpt from The Book of Toac the internationally acclaimed off-off-off Broadway comedy.*

Act 1 scene 1: A proposition

Not since the days of Job have the heavens conspired against one individual in such a malicious, conspicuous and ridiculous way.


Hard at work running the universe G is interrupted by a phone call from an old acquaintance.

G: Yo-bo-sey-yo?

d: Hey G, what's going on?

G: Nothing much. I've been experimenting with a new galaxial formula, I think next time I'll use real milk.

d: Fascinating.

G: It’s been a long time since we last spoke what have you been getting yourself into? Wreaking havoc and chaos I’ll assume.

d: Funny you should mention that, do you remember a few years back when we had that little competition to see if I could get Job** to turn on you?

G: Yeah, he’s still pretty miffed about that.

d: Understandably. Well, I’ve been giving it some thought and I’ve got a wicked plan for a rematch.

G: I’m listening…

d: There’s this little brown girl in Korea, goes by the name of TOAC…

G: Short, feisty, a little too sure of herself? Yeah I know the one.

d: I’m not talking about doing anything too drastic, frankly I really don’t think it’ll take that much – but I think she’s the perfect candidate.

G: You shouldn’t underestimate her d she’s full of surprises.

d: Right, right…

to be continued...


* or tragedy, depends on how you see it.

** for reference see Bible, The