Thursday, November 23, 2006

the mints are on the house.

dear people who are bothering me,

i have exams and papers out the wazoo and i would appreciate it if you left me alone.

if you haven't noticed, i am "off limits 'til decemeber" and "too busy for you".
i am not being coy.
i am serious.
i'd advise you to get off my back.
i am very small, alors there is not enough room on it for all of you.

if you "geesh" me one more time i WILL put milk in your tea.
that is not a threat.

i will post when i am good and ready.
i will send you pictures when i have the time.
i cannot go to the movies.
i will only have coffee with you if bring it to me in the library.

friendly salutations are always welcome but if you keep nagging me i will hurt you.

thank you to everyone who has not bothered me in this time of stress.

however, if you are:
either in france or korea;
somewhere other than right here, or;
in need of some serious help
i will make time to talk to you if you need me
-just as long as you do not mention blogging, because then i will be forced to kill you too.

thank you for your time. have a nice day. please take a mint on your way out.

the. end.